Hello everybody and welcome again to my blog! I have been thinking about this topic for quite some time now. The reason I am writing …
How to deal with emotional pain?
It is very hard sometimes to talk about our feelings or what we are going through. Here are easy stops that you could find helpful to deal with emotional pain.
How to be Self-disciplined?
Many of us struggle daily to keep up with our goals, dreams, family, our health and work, so we plan things, and we write goals, …
How important is Our Electromagnetic Energy?
Have you ever been told to be careful of your thoughts or watch what do you say? Have you ever been asked to look after …
How to stay resourceful during stressful times using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programme)
ย NLP is a very diverse programme. It shows us how our brain communicates and transfers data. It was first created to treat depression, phobias, …
The science of delay
Why do we leave things until the last-minute (procrastinate)?
Why we cannot achieve our goals but others can?
Why some students achieve higher grades than others?
Read more about the Science of delay and Procrastination >>
Switch OFF
Do you ever over-think? Do you find it difficult to switch off your mind? Do you get easily upset and frustrated? If the answer is …
Welcome to my blog!
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Sali, and I want to take this opportunity to let you know how pleased and thankful …
Harmful Everyday Products!
Welcome to my 2nd blog! Today, I want to raise awareness about the use of our everyday chemical products and their effects on our health. …